Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pictures Pre-Helmet

I am going to be posting some pictures every week of the progress Korbin's head shape is making while he is wearing his helmet. We took him in last week to get his head scanned so that they could get his helmet made. The helmet came in today so I am taking him back down tomorrow to get it fitted and we will go from there. Hopefully he will only have to wear it for 3 months which will put us at the beginning of June. We will start off with only putting the helmet on for a few hours a day and work our way up to the full 23. I feel so bad that he has to wear this stinkin thing all day long, but at least he will get it off before it gets too hot. So I took some pictures tonight that to show his current head shape and I will post more as the weeks go by.

He wasn't cooperating very well so we did the best we could.

This picture shows how flat it is.

Also every few weeks when I take him back in to get the helmet adjusted they will rescan his head so I will upload those pictures as well. Tomorrow once I get the helmet I will order everything that I need to get it decorated! I just hope he adjusts to it fairly quick, I am sure it is not going to be very comfortable to wear but it is for the best in the long run!

Here are some pictures just for fun!!

Korbin's sweet bomber jacket that he got for Christmas. I love this little guy!

This little girl can have me pulling my hair out one second and and laughing like crazy the next! Knock on wood but I think the worst of the terrible 2's is over and really it wasn't too horrible. Her obsession with Disney's Car's has reached new levels. We watch the movie EVERYDAY , it's crazy! Also she has quite the collection of toy car's she almost has every single character from the movie and she sleeps with them every night. No Disney Princesses, just cars but she still needs her finger nails painted.

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