Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So Flippin' Excited!!!

Ok so in my last post I mentioned that Korbin was going to need to wear a helmet for a few months to correct the flat spot on the back of his head. Well I am not going to lie I have been dreading it, BIG TIME! As horrible as this is going to sound one of my biggest concerns, besides worrying about it causing any discomfort to Korbin or delaying any of his development, was what other people were going to think when they saw him in it. I know it is very shallow and vain of me but I have been worried about it. Well tomorrow I am taking Korbin in to get his head scanned and measured so that his helmet can be made, and in 10 days we should have it. I have been looking all over the Internet for ideas on how to decorate his helmet to make it cute and not so weird looking and I have just found the absolute greatest site in the world for this!!! I am so excited now, seriously I am kinda excited to get this helmet process started! The site is blingyourband.com , ok first of all LOVE the name, and second, look at the freakin cute designs! I am going to keep the design that we are going to use for Korbin's helmet a secret until we get it, but I am sure some of you can guess what we are going to go with. It shouldn't be too hard :) . So I am hoping that with his helmet all decorated instead of getting weird looks from people while we are out in public, we will get some smiles, and maybe some questions about why he is wearing it. It would be awesome to bring more awareness to this condition and maybe just maybe by making more people aware of it insurance companies will start to cover the cost of these stinkin' things!


Darcy said...

How fun is that! Please say you're not going with Mountain Dew (what the heck?:) No, I know exactly what you are going for!

I like the ones that look like little football helmets. That baby with the football/mountain lion motif is so dang cute!

Unknown said...

your a good mom for doing that for him, it will totally pay off in the end, i know a lady that did it for her baby and she is so happy she did!