Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Catching Up!

It has been a couple of months since I have last updated the good ole' blog. I don't really have an excuse because I get on here every couple of days and look at everyone else's cute blogs! I have just been lazy! But I could not find the battery charger for our camera for the longest time so my camera has been dead so I have not really taken a lot of pictures lately. Anyways here is an update on what we have been up to and how are crazy kids are doing!
Christmas was awesome! Peyton was so much fun this year! Last year was great but she definitely understood more and got more excited about things this year. She got a lot of fun new toys and a ton of books and some clothes. My favorite present that she got was this bad boy:

My parents got her the Tag Jr. and she loves it! She got a ton of books to read and it is the perfect thing to take on car rides! She got some new babies and baby clothes and a toy vacuum that she drags around behind me when I vacuum. Every time we asked her where Jesus was she would tell us " he workin!" same with Santa they were both always workin! She loved all the lights and decorations but her favorite was probably all the candy and treats that were all over the house. Korbin was just happy to be around, he had no idea what was going on but he was still a lot of fun. He got a few toys and a bunch of new clothes! My parents got Deven a ton of cool stuff, he got a bunch of toys and stuff that a 10 year old kid would want which is perfect :) ! He got a wrist rocket and a blow dart gun, and a huge nerf sword and some books that teach him how to make back yard bombs and stuff. I got this:

I love it!! This is by far my favorite nativity set and I love all Willow Tree stuff so I was super excited! I was also completely surprised, usually I snoop around and find out what all of my presents are before Christmas but this year my parents were able to keep this one from me! For New Year's we just hung out with some friends and lounged around the house.

Now for some updates on us and the kids!

Dev and Amy

Nothing too exciting is going on with us! Dev bought me a tanning pass for Christmas and I am loving it! I love being tan, it certainly helps the winter blue's being able to escape for some warm artificial sunlight! Dev is still working For Handy Trucking in Ogden but he is hoping to go to school soon and get a criminal justice degree and become a cop. We are both really anxious for spring to come along so we can spend more time outside with the kids!


Peyton will be 2 1/2 on March 5th, and she is a crazy wild animal most of the time! Potty training has come to a halt for now. Most people told me that I should just put her in panties and when she wets herself she won't like it and that will help her to learn how to use the potty. Nope! Not with Peyton I put panties on her and whenever she would pee she would just strip herself naked and that would be that. She could care less if she was naked or not. So once the weather gets warmer I am going to attempt it again and if she is naked most of the day it won't matter because it won't be 30 degrees outside! She is one stubborn little girl! She is talking more and more and it is so much fun hearing all of the stuff that comes spilling out of her mouth! She LOVES Disney movies, her favorites are Cars and Finding Nemo. So we are working on adding to our Disney Movie collection because I can only watch Cars and Nemo so many times before I start to go crazy! She would rather have the Cars tooth brush than the Disney Princess one so she is kind of a tom boy but she loves to have nail polish on so she is a nice mix of both. She is constantly moving so and is always into something. We have a door knob cover over the inside knob on her bedroom door so that she can't escape in the middle of the night and get into stuff. But the sneaky little girl that she is, she had hidden a flat head screw driver in her room and whenever she would get put in her room she would pull it out an use it to pry apart the cover and get out! What a little stinker! It is hard to get mad at her sometimes because while the things she does can be pretty naughty she is so cute and smart about how she goes about it! She has completely stopped taking naps, which has been a bit of a pain because I miss that few hours in the middle of the day that I was able to get things done and not have to worry about what she was getting into or doing. But she is going to bed about an hour and a half earlier than before so that is nice. I know that she is looking forward to spring so that she can go run around outside and play.

(Picture may be blurry since it was taken on my phone)

Winnie and Peyton were made for each other, they both do a bunch of things they are not supposed to. I am still not sure how Winnie got up there.

Naked, wearing red high heels, and scratching her butt. I love my little girl!


Korbin will be 5 months on the 1st and he is gigantic! I am not used to having a big baby, Peyton was always so small so he is totally different. At his 4 month checkup 2 weeks ago he was 15 lbs (66th percentile), 28.6 inches (99th percentile) and his head was 42 cm (88th percentile). So he is tall and fairly skinny with a nice big head! His is wearing 9 month or 6-12 month size clothes and I am sure he will be out of those soon. He has the longest toes and fingers! He is still a relaxed chill baby and not much bothers him. He doesn't cry a lot, he is an excellent sleeper and his loves to smile! He has been getting 2 bottom teeth for the last week or so. I can see the very tip of them but they have not quite broken through yet. So he is very very drooly, I change his outfit a few times a day because he drools through his shirts all the time! He had a pretty bad cold/cough a couple of weeks ago but thankfully it didn't develop into anything serious and now he is over it and is back to his happy self! He loves to roll all over the place, and grab onto things. His favorite is probably my hair or earrings :( ! At his 2 month appointment his pediatrician, Dr. Strasser at the IHC clinic in Layton I love her, told me that it looked like he had a condition called torticollis. Since he was so long while I was pregnant with him, his head was kinked to one side which cause one of his neck muscles to be underdeveloped. So he preferred to turn his head to one side because the other side caused his underdeveloped neck muscle to stretch and it wasn't comfortable. So because he favored looking one direction he developed a flat spot on the back of his head. So we spent the last few months giving him more time on his stomach and when he slept he was always propped on the his side so that his neck muscle would stretch out and not be so tight and hopefully his flat spot would round out. Well at his 4 month appointment his neck muscle has stretched out and is not as tight anymore but his flat spot has not rounded out. So we are going to have to get him fitted for a helmet :(! Major bummer!!! I had to take him to the cranio-facial plastic surgeon up at Primary Children's, and this guy has the personality of a wet rag, big jerk, and he told me in the 5 minutes that he spoke to me that Korbin would wear this helmet for about 3 months. So we have to take him to this clinic in Holliday that makes the helmets next week to get it made and hopefully he will be out of it by the middle of June before it gets too hot. He has to wear the stinkin thing 23 hours a day! I can take it off to clean it and give Korbin a bath, that's it. Every couple of weeks I will take him back to the clinic and get the foam inside the helmet shaved down to fit that changing shape of his skull. This helmet, made out of some plastic and foam is going to cost $2000!!!! Are you freakin kidding me! Oh it totally suck and I am bummed that he has to wear it all day everyday! But at least he won't need surgery to loosen his neck muscle, and at least he only has to wear it for 3 months. I am also grateful that we are in a position to pay for the stinkin thing! Hopefully our insurance will cover some of the cost, but I am not too optimistic since most insurance company consider it to be a cosmetic thing and not medically necessary. But I am happy that Korbin is healthy and developing well and hopefully we can just get this over with and get the problem fixed!

Enjoying some tummy time!

He did not enjoy the rice cereal so much, so we have skipped it and moved onto baby food and he likes it much better.

Now that I have found the battery charger to the camera I am hoping that I will not be so lazy and update the blog more. But don't hold me to it!


Unknown said...

My little niece had the same problem as Korbin, she had to have the surgery though to go along with the helment. She had to wear her's for about 4-5 months too. She looks great now, I'm sure it was worth it. Good luck, I'm glad he doesn't need the surgery!! And your little payton is darling! So cute!

Jennifer said...

So glad you all are doing great! Granthony had the same issue with preferring to turn his head to one side and getting a significant flat spot on one side. I didn't worry about it cause people said it would round out...and it has. I can still tell a little but it's not major...hopefully that expensive piece of plastic does the trick!

Kelsey said...

Your kids are so cute! Peyton is so hilarious! HAHA that picture cracks me up! :) Lets play soon!!

chournos said...

It's about time you updated this thing! I love that nativity set it's the one I have, my in-laws got it for me for christmas a couple years ago. I love Willow Tree! Peyton sounds exactly like Kaydence, it's good to know my kid is not the only one, we should get them together and let them play I bet they would have a blast. Korbin is so cute that really sucks that he has to get a helmet but at least it will be off before the real heat of summer kicks in. I am excited for the get together next weekend see you then.