Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am a Slacker!

I am really sucking at this whole blogging thing lately! But that seems to be the case with most everyone else so I don't feel so bad. It is just a busy busy time of year! So bear with me as I play catch up on what has been going on. First off I would just like to mention that the New York Yankees won the World Series this year!! I must say that it is about freakin time! I have had to deal with 8 heart breaking seasons so it was nice for them to finally be back on top! So way to go Yankees!!!
Our Thanksgiving was awesome! We went up to Cache Valley and spent the day with Deven's family and all of the cousins, which Peyton loves because she has so many people to play with. We had an awesome dinner, watched some football, and we even took Peyton on her first 4 wheeler ride. She is hooked, she loved it and kept asking us to take her back out for the rest of the day. We got home, and Deven and I went through the Black Friday ads to see if there was anything we wanted to fight some people to get. I went out with my mom and dad at about 2:30 Friday morning while Dev stayed home with the kids. I went to Old Navy and got some clothes for Deven and I, and I went to Carter's and bought a ton of new clothes for Korbin, and went to Kohl' and got some stuff for Peyton. It was a very successful couple of hours and I got everything that I wanted so that was nice. All of our Christmas shopping is done and I am way excited for Peyton to open her presents and play with all of the new toys that she is going to get. We are having a hard time keeping her out of the presents that are underneath the tree, she is very excited.

Korbin had his 2 month checkup on the 1st and this kid is growing like crazy! He is already wearing his 6 month clothes and he fits into them perfectly! He is going to be in 9 months clothes in a couple of weeks I am sure! He is in the 98th percentile for his height, and our doctor told me that at his next appt. he will probably be off the chart! It is crazy that we have teeny tiny little Peyton who was always at the bottom of the scale and now we have Korbin and he is all the way at the top. He is going to be bigger than her pretty soon. But he is still such a good baby, and I am so relieved because Peyton keeps me plenty busy so it is nice that Korbin is so relaxed. He is sleeping all the way through the night, awesome, he eats a lot and is talking up a storm! I laugh all the little noises he makes, and he is always so happy and he loves to smile.

Peyton is a wild animal! I do not know how so much energy and life comes out of such a tiny little body! I am running after her all day long it seems! Potty training is not going to well but we will keep trying and hopefully she will get the hang of it soon. I am convinced she doesn't want to take the time out of her crazy play time schedule to go sit on the potty! We have moved her out of her toddler bed and into a big girl twin sized bed. She looks so so small sleeping in it but she loves it! She can fit all of her stuffed animals (babies) on her bed with her at night. I swear she learns 10 new words a day, and she is so so funny. She picks up on everything, nothing gets past her. She is not afraid to put me or Deven in our place if she feels we have wronged her in any way. We are in trouble wen she becomes a teenager because this little girl has an ATTITUDE! But her new favorite thing to say is "I love your stinking guts", or "mommy you're crazy".

Deven turned 26 on the 29th of November! We had a small little get together with our families and just hung out and ate lasagna and pie! He also got a vasectomy on Friday! So no more babies for us, a lot of people think we are crazy for not wanting any more kids and doing something so permanent while we are still so young. Dev is 26 and I am 23 and we are done having kids! I don't like being pregnant and having been pregnant for about the last 3 years in a row was rough! I feel like right now our family is complete, and in the future if we decide we want more kids then we will adopt. There are tons of kids out there that need good homes and loving families and adoption is something that I have always wanted to do. It won't be any time soon but I definitely see it happening in the future. So he had his "procedure" on Friday and he has spent the weekend recovering. He is doing great, he is a little sore but other than that he says he feels just fine.

We are excited for Christmas and I can't believe how fast it is coming! I am loving all this new snow that we got this weekend, yeah it is a pain in the butt to shovel it all of the driveway but it does not feel like Christmas to me unless we have a good amount on the ground. This past week we were able to take the kids down to Kiddie Kandids to get there pictures taken. I love the way they turned out! I was really worried that Peyton was not going to cooperate at all but she did awesome! So thank you Grandad and Debbie for letting us use your points to get some pictures taken! I will try and do a better job at keeping this updated! I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays!

Korbin and his cousin Adam

Peyton and her cousin Haley


Darcy said...

I love those pictures (especially the one of Peyton kissing Korbin). So cute! I'm glad you were able to make it down again! I'll see you Tuesday! Haley is excited to play with Peyton!

Heidi said...

GO YANKEES!! I remember you & your fam being big Yankee fans. That was an awesome season. Peyton is getting so big & super super adorable! Cute pics!

Jennifer said...

We were on the fence on who we wanted to win the series since Grant is a Yankees fan but also a Phillies fan since that's where he grew up! The kiddo's are getting so big! Glad you doing well!

CaRiSsA said...

Amy! Your kids are so adorable!!! I love it! I started a new blog and thought I would let you know in case you wanted to stop by! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!! :O)