Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Halloween has come and gone, I can't believe how fast time is going now that I am not pregnant anymore! We had a lot of fun this year and Peyton loved trick or treating! She was so much fun this year, last year she really didn't know what was going on but this year she was walking around the neighborhood shouting "Happy Halloween" every 5 seconds. She loved all the candy that got but I think her favorite part was being able to talk to a new person at each house that we went to. She can be very social when she wants to be. This year Peyton was a monkey, I got the costume at Old Navy again this year, I bought her skunk costume there last year and loved it, they were cheap but really well made and they kept her warm so they were perfect! Korbin was a banana and he was very cute, I don't think he liked being in his costume though. We are now looking forward to Thanksgiving, I love Thanksgiving, a day filled with awesome food and football and lounging around with family, its awesome!
We have spent the past few weeks hanging around the house. I am still adjusting to being a mom to 2 kids. We have our routine down fairly well now but things change everyday so we just take everything one day at a time. I was planning on getting Peyton potty trained once Korbin was born but that still hasn't happened. She was pretty much ready to go a few weeks before I had Korbin but I held off because I wanted to wait until I wasn't pregnant anymore and she got used to not being the only child anymore. Oops! Now that I am not pregnant and I am ready to get her out of diapers she has decided that she is no longer interested in using the toilet! So we have gone backwards on that but I am sure she will want to try again soon, I hope anyway :) ! She is doing so good with Korbin, she loves to help feed him and give him kisses. So far there has not been any jealousy issues, she is very independent so if we are busy doing something with Korbin she will find something else to occupy her time. She is not very good at understanding what "no" means, she loves to push her limits on things and see just how much she can get away with before mom and dad get mad. She also knows how to turn on the charm when we do get mad so she gets away with a lot. She is also talking so much more and we love listening to all the new things that she says everyday.
Korbin is growing like crazy! He fit into his newborn clothes for about 2 weeks and by then he had grown out of them! He is now in his 3 month clothes and he will probably grow out of those before Christmas! I am going to go broke trying to keep clothes on this kid! With Peyton she was always so small so we never had to worry about her growing out of her clothes within weeks of buying them. It is a different story with Korbin, I love shopping for kids clothes though so I guess this just means that I will get to shop more though! He is in the 91st percentile for his height, the 75th for his weight and the 82nd for his head size. So while Peyton was down at the bottom of the spectrum for her size (except for her head :) ) Korbin is up at the top. He is very alert and he eats a ton. He does fairly well sleeping at night. He wakes up about once at night to eat and then goes back to sleep so we are really lucky.

Haley, Adam, Korbin and Peyton on Halloween!

Peyton helping Grandpa make rootbeer.

Deven going out to shoot a dry ice bomb that wouldn't go off in the backyard with his BB gun.

Korbin and Adam in their matching P.J.'S

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love those costume ideas. So so cute! Good luck with your adjusting!