Not a whole lot has been going on this summer just kinda hanging out at home. So I am just going to add some pictures!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
We're Back
Hello blogging world! It's been awhile! Now that my Mom and Dad have moved across the country to Pennsylvania I promised I would do a better job at keeping this thing updated so they can see what we are up to. Right now things are not super exciting. Deven is still working for RC Willey, he is hoping to get enrolled in the police academy at Weber State in August, if he gets accepted then he will start in November. He would go to school every night during the week after work and then Saturday mornings so things will get pretty busy. I am still working for Convergys part time taking calls for Directv. I am working from home now so it is nice to not have to be away from the kids, and I get free satellite tv so that's awesome. Peyton is still a crazy little girl, she is full spunk and loves to test our limits. She is still obsessed with the Disney Princesses but has no problem running outside and digging in the dirt. Korbin gets bigger and bigger everyday, he is Peyton's little sidekick, or scapegoat depending on Peyton's mood. He is learning new words everyday and loves to read books before bed and go "bye, bye". He loves cars and anything with wheels that he can drive around. We are hoping the weather will finally warm up like a normal summer, the kids are dying to get out and go swimming, we have a zoo pass that we are taking full advantage of. Peyton loves going to see all the animals and anything involving going "bye, bye" Korbin is all over. Hopefully we will do something interesting in the next little while so my blog updates aren't so boring.
Friday, February 18, 2011
So it's 2011!
I have not updated in FOREVER! Things have been a little crazy in the Sorensen household and I am still trying to adjust to all the changes. So my blogging has fallen way behind but I am going to try and be better at getting on here at the very least once a week and posting an update. I am also being a huge slacker at taking pictures, agh I need to do better. So let's just recap what has been going on the last couple of months:
We had an awesome holiday season, I love the holidays and I take full advantage of all the yummy goodies that are right in front of my face all season long. I am going to be working off my over indulgence for the next few months I am sure! Christmas was great, the kids got a lot of great gifts, Peyton now has every single Disney Princess barbie that they make so she is pretty excited, she got a lot of princess stuff and (to my dismay) her beautiful (very sarcastic) unicorn pillow pet. I was hoping she would pick out one of the cute ones like the lady bug or the panda bear but she of course goes for the pink and purple unicorn :( blah! Oh well she is happy and that is all that matters. Korbin got a bunch of cars and a big dump truck and a huge fire truck that stores all of his cars, but he was more interested in the wrapping paper and what everyone else was getting.
Our New Years started off great, we had a lot of fun with our friends at a New Year's Eve party but then the next day I got strep throat, major bummer! Deven started school the first week of January at the University of Phoenix, he is going to be getting his Bachelor's of Science in Criminal Justice! Luckily his classes are only once a week and all of his books and learning materials are online! So he goes to school every Wednesday night from 6-10 pm, so far he is doing awesome! I started a new job in January as well, I am working for Convergy's taking calls for the customer's of Direct Tv. I am working in the Ogden site right now but I will be transitioning to working at home in the next month which will be awesome! So far things are going well, it is a little bit crazy adjusting from being a stay at home mom to now being gone for a huge chunk of the day and not seeing my kids! But it is only for a little while longer, then I will be working from home which will be nice and I am only working 30 hours a week so it is not bad. Plus I get free Directv out of the deal so it works out great! Also at the beginning of the year my Dad started a new job as well, except his job will be out in Pennsylvania! So he is now living out there and my mom will be joining him as soon as her school year is over. Thankfully we don't have to move, my parents are going to be renting out their house to us for the next couple of years until we can buy it from them! Since we had to short sale our previous home last year we are not able to buy another house for 2 years. But now we don't have to worry about finding another house! Thanks Mom and Dad!! So once my mom goes out to PA to be with my dad, Dev and I will move up out of the basement and Peyton will move into my old room which is pretty fun!
Peyton and Korbin are doing great, and they are both getting so big! Korbin is growing out of all of his winter clothes so the warm weather needs to get here quick so I can just buy him new bigger spring/summer clothes! He is getting more teeth and Deven recently shaved his head :( so he looks just like a miniature version of Deven! He looks to grown up for my liking so thankfully his hair is growing back quick! He talks all the time and he loves to roll his cars around saying "vroom vroom" and he loves his dogs! He is always jumping around in his crib and he has done it so much and so hard that a nice big rip is running down the center of the crib mattress, so pretty soon he will be moving to a toddler bed. Peyton is still very much in love with all things princess, she loves to have tea parties and oftentimes the poor dogs are forced to join in on them. She changes her clothes about 8 times a day, which drives me crazy, and she has now started to tell me every morning how she would like her hair to be done.
We are very much looking forward to the warm weather and all the exciting things that spring has to bring!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
October Fun Times!!
So I have been totally lacking any sort of motivation to update the blog, and I have been really bad at taking pictures! Bah I need to do better and I swear I say that every time I finally make a post on here, geez get it in gear Amy! Ok so obviously October is over and we are halfway into November now. We had a lot of fun doing things for Halloween and we were really excited to take the kids trick or treating. Well trick or treating was pretty much a big fat bummer because it was POURING! It was coming down so bad, Peyton wanted nothing to do with going outside and I am sure that Korbin would have been just fine with it but he would have been soaked. So anyway onto the events leading up to Halloween. At the beginning of the month Hollee and I took the kiddos to go see Bryan at the fire station when they were doing their big open house, they had a lot of fun looking at the fire trucks and ambulance and they also had a life flight helicopter there. They got a goodie bag full of stickers and pencils and magnets, so Peyton covered herself in the stickers as soon as we got home. It was a lot of fun and Peyton is always excited to go see Bryan at work.
We were going to take the kids out to Black Island Farms to go get their pumpkins like we did last year. Well we kept putting it off and the weekend we finally got out there I completely spaced that it was UEA! Holy crap there were so so many people it was insane! The line to get onto the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch was like 2 hours, there was no way the kids would have lasted waiting that long. So we bagged it and went out to dinner with our friends the Letcher's instead. So I was a loser and bought the pumpkins at Winco, boo! I know it's bad but they were super cheap, like 8 cents a lb. awesome, so next year now we know not to go pumpkin hunting over UEA. So we carved the pumpkins, well Deven and I carved them Peyton and Korbin watched, we did 2 one day and the other 2 the day before Halloween. Peyton requested a princess pumpkin so I found a Cinderella template online and it turned out pretty good. Deven carved Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas and the other 2 we just used some patterns from a carving book. Peyton didn't want to touch the pumpkin guts and Korbin probably would have tried to eat them so we did all the carving and they were perfectly content watching and going outside to see the finished products.
Dev had to work on Halloween, well the day before Halloween I guess since it was on a Sunday this year. Peyton wanted to be a princess this year, surprise surprise, and Korbin was a dragon. I spent an hour or so getting Peyton ready because she wanted princess hair and makeup which is next to impossible to do with a fidgety 3 year old. Her hair is so fine and so thin that any curl I put in almost immediately falls out, so I did the best I could and about 5 seconds after I was done she took off running and started wrestling with the dogs so it all fell out ha ha! She loved getting her hair sprayed with glitter and getting "princess" makeup put on. But she is in this phase of refusing to take a picture, and it drives me crazy!! I don't have any recent pictures of her because she runs as soon as she sees that camera! So we don't have great pictures of the kids but oh well I guess. We are super excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the fun that the holidays bring!!
Making Witches Brew with Grammy
Making Sugar Cookies
My new Niece Lola! Ha Ha Congrats Bryan and Hollee!!
Getting ready to carve her pumpkin.
Korbin just sitting back and watching.
Crazy Winnie
Doesn't she look so happy that I am trying to get a good picture.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Korbin's Birthday Party
We had Korbin's birthday party on Sunday and it went awesome! I was going to try and decorate everything cute but due to the fantastic weather we had last week we moved it to the baseball diamond down the street from our house. So I couldn't really decorate the way that I wanted but oh well, I was having a baseball themed party so why decorate when you are at an actual baseball field :) . I didn't get a lot of pictures because I was busy talking to family and just enjoying the day. We had a blast just being with everyone and we were not really in a rush to do anything. Unfortunately we didn't get to open the presents before the weather took a turn and things started to get pretty windy so Korbin opened his presents at home. But he loved everything that he got, and Peyton is enjoying playing with his new toys as well. He also got a TON of new clothes! Thank you everyone who came, we really appreciate you driving out to see us and celebrate our sweet little boys first birthday!

His invitation, probably my favorite part of the whole party! I loved them!
His birthday cake. It took forever, and by the time I got to the red stitching the party was going to start in like 15 minutes so it looks pretty bad :(
The cake for everyone else.
Opening presents at home.
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